This international academic conference is to be held on December 7th, 2023, following the ‘Asia-China Dialogue 2021: Toward A Peaceful and Brighter Future’, which was hosted by SNUAC Northeast Asia Center in 2021 for all Asian countries to discuss the Asian issues to prepare for a better ‘Asian Century’.
In the 2021 conference, 23 scholars from 11 Asian countries gathered to discuss the issues and discussion points with China in terms of international relations, economics, and social and cultural sectors from the perspectives of their own countries and Asia. In the evaluative meeting of the organizational committee (attendees: organizational committee chair, director and deputy director of SNUAC, director of UOS Center for China Studies, etc.; held on Nov. 17, 2021), it was evaluated that this conference had strengthened the status and platform-role of SNUAC in the international acadamia, and that it had contributed to preparing a more advanced global network of SNUAC. Also, based on the view number of the videos from the conference which mounts up to 1,844 (1,121 for Korean version, 723 for English version, as of Nov. 14, 2023, excluding views of the Korean Association of Contemporary China Studies website), this year’s conference will contribute to expand SNUAC’s global network. Considering the fact that the year 2023 is the 10th year of China’s One Belt One Road, which is associated with all Asian countries, the conference will focus on academically evaluating the past decade of One Belt One Road from an Asian perspective (participating countries: Korea, China, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka). Also, by publishing the research outcome on prestigious international journals, we seek to gather the various voices of Asia on One Belt One Road, and strengthen SNUAC’s status as a platform in the international academia.