#2 Partnerships for the BRI

Session 2 examines existing diverse partnerships for the BRI

  • A platform for dialogue between China and the Asian participants of the Belt & Road Initiative
  • A platform for dialogue between Asian countries and China on issues related to digital economy in Asia

Heonik Kwon / SNUAC HK+ Mega Asia Research Project, HK Professor / Korea

Heonik Kwon is a member of Seoul National University Asia Center’s Mega Asia research group. Having taught previously in the London School of Economics, he is serving as a Senior Research Fellow of Social Anthropology at Trinity College, University of Cambridge, since 2011. Author of prizewinning books on the social history of the Vietnam War and on Asia’s Cold War experience, his recent publication is After the Korean War: An Intimate History (Cambridge, 2020). He has a forthcoming book that approaches Korea’s Cold War modernity from a religious historical angle and currently is preparing a history of conversation between Anthropology and International Politics.


Evi Fitriani / University of Indonesia, Professor / Indonesia

Evi Fitriani is the head of the International Relations Department Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. She is the co-founder of the ASEAN Study Center, University of Indonesia. She also holds a position of the Indonesia’s Country Coordinator of the Network of East Asian Think Tanks (NEAT). She holds a Ph.D. in Political Sciences and International Relations from the Crawford School of Economics and Government, the Australian National University. Her research interests include Indonesia’s foreign policy, ASEAN, Asian regionalism, Indonesia relations with Australia, Indonesia-Malaysia relations, precolonial Southeast Asia, border studies, European Union (EU) and EU-Asia relations. Her recent publications include “Linking the impacts of perception, domestic politics, economic engagements, and the international environment on bilateral relations between Indonesia and China in the onset of the 21st century” (2021) and “Indonesian views of managing disputes through cooperation in the South China Sea and the obstacles” in H. Qi and S. Xue (eds.) Cooperative Development in the South China Sea.


Jeong Kyung Seo / SNUAC, Academic Research Professor / Korea

Dr. Jeong Kyung Seo is an academic research professor at Seoul National University Asia Center(SNUAC) and a research fellow at SNUAC Northeast Asia Center. She was a research professor at the Institute of East and West Studies(Yonsei University) and Sungkyun Institute for China Studies (SungKyunKwan University). She served as a committee member for the Presidential Committee on Northern Economic Cooperation, South Korea in 2019. She is interested in China’s rise and its social & structural impact on the international order. Her book(co-edit), Digest on Belt & Road Initiatives(2016) was awarded the Sejong Prize in 2016. She is now an editorial member of the web journal “Diversity+ Asia” at SNUAC, and in charge of publishing China Perspective(webzine) of SNUAC Northeast Center . Her current research focuses on China’s policy on global health governance, U.S.-China relations and peace of the Korean peninsula, and Populism in East Asia. Her recent study is The Shift of development model for China and U.S.-China rivalry (Seoul: Myung In Publishing company, 2020, co-authorship).


Yongtao Gui /Peking University, Associate professor / China

Yongtao Gui is the associate Dean and associate professor of the School of International Studies at Peking University, and the Vice President of the Institute of International and Strategic Studies at Peking University. His research fields include the international relations of East Asia, relations between the US, China and Japan, East Asian nationalism and East Asian security. He received his PhDs from Waseda University and Peking University in 2005 through a double-degree program. His research focuses on politics and international relations of East Asia. His recent publications include “Japan and the U.S.-China Strategic Competition: Trade War, Technology War, and the Indo-Pacific Strategy” (2020); “Competing in the Gray Zone: A New Situation in U.S.-Japan Engagement with China” (2019); “The Politics of TPP: The Motivation and Predicament of U.S.-Japan Cooperation” (2017); “Japanese Academia’s Changing Perceptions of the United States and Their Policy Conceptions” (2015);  “The Rise of Nationalism in East Asia and the Changing Relations between China and its Neighbours” (2013) ; “China-Japan-US Relations and Northeast Asia’s Evolving Security Architecture” (2010).


Umsh Moramudali / University of Colombo / Sri Lanka



Jongseok Yoon / SNUAC HK+ Mega Asia Research Project, HK Research Professor / Korea

Jongseok Yoon is a HK research professor of Seoul National University Asia Center, Korea. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology, a MA in Sociology, and BA in Asian History from Seoul National University, Korea. He has published articles in such journals as Citizenship Studies (in English), Society and History, Asia Review, The Journal of Modern China Studies, Sino-Soviet Affairs, Journal of Manchurian Studies, China Knowledge Network, The Korea Journal of Chinese Social Science (in Korean), and others. Also, he published several book chapters in such as Developmental Citizenship in China (in English),  Minjian China, Migration and Mobilities, China’s response to COVID-19 and new knowledge (in Korean). His research interests are in political and historical sociology, political economy and global value chain, populism and nationalism, mobilities and citizenship, social and labor policies, and Asian studies.

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